Film Savings Calculator

Check how many kilograms of film you can save by using UTS 8 μm film

We present a calculator that allows you to check how many kilograms of stretch film you can save by replacing a standard film of 17 or 23 μm thickness with UTS film of 8 μm thickness.

Type of stretch film you use:
Number of pallets of goods that you wrap with stretch film per day:
Weight of 17 μm stretch film used on a 1-day scale:
3.2 kg
The weight of our UTS stretch film used
per day:
1.2 kg
You save:
On a
1-day scale:
2 kg
On a
scale of 1 week:
14 kg
On a
scale of 1 month:
60 kg
On a
scale of 1 year:
730 kg